Monday, October 8, 2007

Minor Studios

Now, mostly I've only posted about products that I've come across to be art / geek related. What I also wanted for this blog is to post other coming founds that might be related to the above topics. I've found a great website/blog of a studio graphic designer named Dave Werner, who heads up Minor studios. They are currently working on a new video game ( what that is I'm not sure ) and started up a blog to blog its process. Along the way the plan on blogging of their comings and goings as well as doing video podcast. Its really the video podcast that I'm all about . If your into graphic design, art , gaming , or just plan fun stuff then visit the site and watch one of the videos, its well worth your time.

thats the site . if you have anything else to say after you have went through it comment away.

1 comment:

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Hi! You have a blog too?! I liked the knife holder in the last post...